Day Before Tribal:
Dorothy wins immunity and sends Jaclyn to exile. Literally the worst possible scenario for me. One because Dorothy is a huge force in trying to get me out. Two because Jaclyn is someone I have been working with and I think will be a vote on my side. Three Jaclyn was my only buffer in the game remaining to go home.
I know Dorothy did that as a "fuck you" to everyone and was like I am going to force you to vote out Natalie.
Ok I need to get to work now. I'm not going home without a fight.
I talk with Ian as he is my go to for information. He says that currently the vote is 3 vs 3 for me (Dorothy, Julia, or Carrie to go and Me, Ian, Tim for Carrie to go) with Dustin in the middle. Dustin doesn't want either Carrie or I to go so is unsure what to do. Ok I need to either convince Dustin to vote Carrie over me or find another target. I kind of make subtleties with Dustin and he admits to me that voting me or Carrie does not make sense for his game, so I bring up Julia as an option and he said he is down with that, but that Tim is not. He advised me to talk to Tim.
Why am I always surrounded by idiots who can't make a decision or come to any type of agreement.
I talk to Ian and he is fine with booting Julia. He also said that Tim probably won't go for Julia, but to ask to talk to him.
Tim is not around so I decide to talk to Julia, and she mentions that Tim doesn't like Ian so we could start with that.
When did Tim become the deciding vote on everything? My life lies in the hands of the person I voted out a few rounds ago...GREAT...
Ok I then talk to Tim, since I don't know who he is really loyal too, and I just talked with him that Julia mentioned to vote Ian and that Dustin mentioned to vote Julia. He then immediately says "I'm fine with voting Julia".
I ask him then why Dustin said you wouldn't, and he says "I literally talked to Dustin recently and said I'm fine with that. LOL"
Like now seriously wtf. I ended up flipping my trust from Ian/Dustin 2 rounds ago to Tim last round. Now I am going back to trusting Ian/Dustin again. I tell them both what Tim said and told them to talk to him to see if they get the same story I got. They did and it seems pretty set that the 4 of us are voting Julia and she should go. Hooray! All is right in the world and I am staying another round!
Like not even 2 minutes later Ian comes to me and says althuough it would be nice if we vote out Carrie and make it a 2-2-2-1 vote. I'm like hell to the no. I am not risky my butt on a stupid 2-2-2-1 vote. Not only that we would really piss off basically everyone in the game. Sorry not doing it.
Then he says...
I'm talking to julia and...
Me: AND WHAT?!?!?!?!
Ian: I'm trying to get her to vote Dustin.
Me: Why make this more complicated than it needs to be...
Anyway we go back and forth and he mentions that she is going to vote for me and that I should talk to her to try to get her to vote Dustin in case. Like double seriously wtf. He says she doesn't trust me so now I end up talking to Julia and making a final 4 alliance with her, Carrie, and Ian (Even though Carrie isn't even around). The 4 of us agree to vote Dustin.
Great now Ian has really put me in a shitty spot. I was doing fine not betraying anyone and now I have blood on my hands.
I ask Ian what he really wants to do and he really wants to vote Carrie...Dude like let it go. If we do that we piss off both Julia and Dustin...not smart. I told him not to talk to Tim since Tim does not like wishy washyness and just likes decisions to be made and then that's it. Of course what does Ian to Tim! and what does Tim say? Literally exactly what I told Ian what he would say "We already decided Julia, let's just stick to that".
I told Ian, sorry I am not voting Carrie and making a 2-2-2-1 vote and said I either want to stick with Julia/Carrie and vote Dustin or stick with Dustin/Tim and vote Julia. I really don't know what the best option is but Ian wants to vote Dustin. We agree to vote out Dustin.
Ok now I am getting weird vibes. How did we go from Carrie to Julia to Carrie to Dustin in a matter of an hour? I'm not sure I can trust someone this wishy washy. Especially since he wants to do it to be fun. Sorry, I didn't spend a weekend posting for 12 hours for nothing.
I got very weird vibes about this and feel very uncomfortable. I decided to go tell Dustin all of this just so he is aware of how shady Ian is being. He said he was going to talk to Dorothy in the event he does get votes. The one thing I have been missing from Dustin to make me all in on him, is some type of security. I advised that it may be smart to vote Ian this round to blindside him. However he still wanted to go for Julia, even though I felt changing may be for the best. He still has yet to offer for me to join an alliance with him nor has he given me much info about who he is close with etc... And he also made it clear earlier that he would vote me out over Carrie.
So since he didn't want to vote Ian, I felt my best option was to vote Dustin. I also felt he was close with Dorothy and she is a huge threat so I didn't want to leave another number for her.
However as a last resort I need to talk to Dorothy. I figured I would just talk to her and see if there was anything I could do to stay so she didnt find it weird that I wasn't trying. She was very straightforward with me and said that she thought I was a threat and was probably voting me. Ok then, well hopefully me still being her and no one else voting me opens her eyes.
That is all for the night.